Divine Crystalline Sculptured paper with Ink wash56.3 cm H x 56.3 cm W x 8cm D
Portrait of Don Burrows - Australian Jazz Woodwind LegendSculptured paper with Ink wash95H x 95W x 8D cm
Portrait of Sven Libaek - Australian-Norwegian Distinguished Composer Sculptured paper with Ink wash95H x 95W x 8D cm
Portrait of Liane Foley - French Jazz VocalistSculptured paper with Ink wash82H x 72W x 8D cm
Portrait of Anne Ducros - French Jazz VocalistSculptured paper with Ink wash82H x 72W x 8D cm
Secure Handshake Sculptured paper with Ink wash48cm W x 48cm H x 6cm D
Eroded BlueSculptured paper 62 H x 33w x 33w
Spider Hunter Wasp Sculptured paper with Ink wash37cm H x 72cm W x 12.5cm D
Life Cycle of the Cicada Sculptured paper 69H x 47W x 9D cm
A Call to ChangeSculptured paper with Ink wash160cm W x 114cm H x 12cm D
TranquilitySculptured paper 95H x 95W x 10D cm
Green Dominion Sculptured paper with Ink wash110H x 220W x 14D cm
To SeasideSculptured paper with Ink wash95H x 95W x 8D cm
The Path to GondwanaSculptured paper with Ink wash95H x 95W x 8D cm
Red Sands Garden Sculptured paper with Ink wash95H x 95W x 8D cm