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Linou Meyer

Linou Meyer

Artist · Berlin, Germany
Blue Acrylic, oil, oil stick on canvas90 x 150 cm
HSP on the pea
HSP on the peaAcrylic glass, dough, cotton, filling material, mirror glass, wood
HSP on the pea
HSP on the peaAcrylic glass, dough, cotton, filling material, mirror glass, wood
Ausstellungsansicht Princess and the Pea
Ausstellungsansicht Princess and the Pea
Rosa nö
Rosa nöOil, oil pastels, coloured pencils on canvas140 x 180 cm
Zaubersprüche II
Zaubersprüche IIOil, oil pastels, coloured pencils on canvas120 x 180 cm
Zaubersprüche eskalieren
Zaubersprüche eskalierenoil, acrylic, oil pastels, coloured pencils on canvas122 x 182 cm
Fühlerchenoil, oil pastels, water colour, coloured pencils on canvas244 x 304 cm
ZaubertüteOil, oil pastels, water colour, coloured pencils on canvas120 x 180 cm
Untitled / Untitled
Untitled / UntitledOil, oilstick, ink, glitter on canvas120 x 120 cm, 150 x 150 cm
Installationsansicht Künstlerhaus Bregenz
Installationsansicht Künstlerhaus Bregenz
Magic spells
Magic spellsOil, oil stick, coloured pencils on canvas200 x 280 cm
Rebellious bodies
Rebellious bodiesOil, oil stick, ink, coloured pencils on canvas100 x 160 cm
Witchy vibes
Witchy vibesOil, oil stick, coloured pencils on canvas100 x 160 cm
FlyingOil, oil stick, coloured pencils on canvas100 x 160 cm
Purple rain
Purple rainOil, oil stick, coloured pencils on canvas140 x 190 cm
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