'on the uterus' book project

Oct. 31, 2024

Female* reproductive organs are shrouded in numerous myths and stigmas. Historically, women* have been considered incomplete due to their biological differences in our androcentric society, leading to medical and social disadvantages. These prejudices persist today, affecting the medical care, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals perceived as female worldwide.

We are seeking photo projects from Europe based FLINTA* photographers and artists for an upcoming book highlighting the role and significance of female* reproductive organs from a self-determined perspective to contribute to destigmatization. The goal is to make the underrepresented and misunderstood stories of FLINTA* persons visible. Their experiences and struggles should be recognized as valuable sources of knowledge often missing in traditional medical practice.

Examples of topics to be included:

  • Gynaecological “illnesses” (infertility, PMS, etc.)
  • Taboos (surrogacy, social freezing, miscarriages, birth trauma, postnatal care, (peri) menopause, etc.)
  • The impact of medical prejudices on the health of women* (hymen myths, FGM, etc.)
  • The role of the uterus in societal perception and self-perception of FLINTA* persons (hysteria, contraception, abortion, etc.)

We particularly welcome intersectional perspectives highlighting the unique experiences of FLINTA* of Color and other marginalized groups!

Together, we can help demystify the narratives around female* reproductive organs and expand them with self-determined perspectives! We look forward to receiving your submissions and would appreciate it if you share this call!

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'On the Uterus' Book Project

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