king road roundabout sculpture

Sep. 9, 2024
Artistic fields:

This summer, the City of Happy Valley will construct a small-scale traffic roundabout at the intersection of King Road and 129th Avenue. The roundabout will serve a fire station, a police station, and several nearby neighborhoods. The roundabout will also function as a transportation gateway between the City of Happy Valley and the City of Portland, providing access to employment areas, several schools, and Happy Valley’s robust public park system.

The King Road Roundabout will include a circle measuring approximately 20-ft in diameter for the placement of public art and ornamental landscaping. Artwork will be commissioned through this Request for Qualifications. RFQ finalists will be invited to submit a full proposal for consideration.

The artist or artist team selected will be tasked with creating artwork and delivering completed artwork to the project site. The artist will also coordinate with the City’s landscape architect on defensive landscaping for the artwork. The City will fund and provide artwork installation and landscaping.

Note: Your response to this Request for Qualifications is not intended to be a finished design of a proposed sculpture. Rather, your response should present your qualifications for creating such a sculpture. The submission of an existing or past work is an acceptable response to this Request for Qualifications.

Project finalists will be selected based on responses to this Request for Qualifications. Only project finalists will be asked to develop a full proposal/design.

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King Road Roundabout Sculpture

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