The Frechener Ceramic Award can look back on a 50-year history and has become an established event in the calendar of German ceramics awards. The prize is awarded every three years and will take place for the 20th time in 2025. The Award for contemporary ceramic art is organized by the Stiftung Keramion – Center for Modern and Historical Ceramics – and is open to both individual and associated artists, with no thematic or age restrictions.
For collaborative works, it is required that the artists designate one person as the official representative of the collective, who will act as the contact person throughout all stages of the competition. Each participant can apply with up to three works, each not exceeding a size of 1.5 m³. All ceramic techniques are allowed; the works may also contain other materials but should predominantly consist of ceramics. Participants must confirm that the submitted works are their own, were created within the last two years, and have not been submitted to other competitions.