Access Arts / School of Service, a nonprofit organization in Columbia, Missouri, was founded in 1971. Its mission is to provide creative learning experiences for all people, regardless of age, income or ability. Programs center on classes, workshops, and community outreach efforts. Classes are offered in the areas of Ceramics and Fibers. At Access Arts, our Artist‐In‐Residence teaching intensive program excels as a mutually‐beneficial arrangement in which artists have the chance to explore their craft among a community of other creative individuals while students gain access to the unique insights and talents of a working artist. BFA or MFA are required for eligibility.
The program offers both live‐in and non‐live‐in residencies with contracts lasting between 3 months and up to one year with the possibility of extension. Two live-in ceramics residencies are available as well as one non-ceramic live-in residency. Live-in residencies require a one year contract however short term live-in residencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In addition to ceramics, fibers is one of our largest programs and offers either a live-in or non-live-in residency. Non-live-in residencies are available for both ceramics and non-ceramics. Year‐long residents will be given the opportunity to host a reception and either a group or solo show in our gallery space.