As documentary and fictional film projects, especially in their early phases, can start on the basis of very different ideas, sources, protagonists and documentation, we try to keep our application process as open as possible. In general all projects should meet our criteria of eligibility which are: Berlin-Brandenburg with an international twist. We’re supporting artificially strong and thematically relevant projects that are to be created, shot or post-produced in Berlin or Brandenburg by international talent or projects conceived by Berlin and Brandenburg filmmakers who’d like to travel the world with their projects.
We proudly announce the this year's 2022 winner Kai Stänicke, who could convince the jury with his project "Homecoming And we're opening for entries as well
From March 1st 2023 until June 15th 2023 (Final deadline) you can hand in your ideas Applicants can apply with - their CV and a treatment (12-20 pages) - a moodboard (optional) - a rough-cut (optional) - a trailer (optional)
It'll be possible for you to submit your work from March 1st 2023 until June 15th 2023 (Deadline)