Indiecon is a joint effort of independent magazine, book, art print, zine, newsletter, podcast and website publishers from all over the world. The three-day publishing festival is based at Hamburg’s Oberhafen, a former freight yard now creative quarter right in the city centre.
Independent publishing takes many forms. A glossy magazine or a spreadsheet website. A rugged newspapers or an Instagram channel. A podcast, a newsletter, a hand-crafted fanzine. An artist book or chunks of code on a server.
We see independent publishing as a culture rather than a market, driven by collaboration instead of competition. We see communities gather and thrive around written or spoken word. We see real world impact by organizations build around a shared publishing practice. In this sense, it does not matter if you print on paper or post online.
As such, our publications often exist in the realm of the unlikely. They are highly dependent on their creator’s health, motivation, and skill – as well as infrastructure in production and distribution. We want to share best practice in the field and work together on new collaborative ideas to sustain publications. It is always easier not to publish.