air: performing artists from arab region based in europe

Jan. 20, 2025
17 Monbijougatan, Skåne län
Artistic fields:

Rawabet is calling for applications from performing artists (theatre, dance, new circus, and other forms) originally from the Arab region (regardless of ethnicity), who arrived to European territories after 2015, to develop and create works in collaboration with European and non-European counterparts and audiences, in order to create a more diverse cultural scene and combat stereotypes and discrimination.

This unique opportunity invites artists from the Arab region, residing in Europe since 2015, to develop and showcase their artistic projects in Malmö, Sweden. The residency aims to bridge cultural gaps, foster artistic innovation, and facilitate meaningful cultural exchanges between SWANA (South West Asia and North Africa) artists and the European community.

The residency, from 18 to 28 June 2025, will select five artists based in Sweden, five artists based in Norway, and five artists based in other Creative Europe countries to prepare a project to be showcased locally or shown at Masahat Festival 2025 in Oslo.

The group of 15 performing artists (solo or in a group) to develop, rehearse, and showcase small-scale individual artistic projects in a 10-day period. The projects may be multidisciplinary with an anchoring in performance arts, particularly in dance, theatre, spoken word, puppetry, new circus arts, or interdisciplinary formats.

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AIR: Performing Artists from Arab Region Based in Europe

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