2024 rbhu gives back

Oct. 28, 2024

At Rbhu, we believe that art plays a key role in lifting the human spirit; it ignites our imagination with possibilities, helps us process and express our feelings, and brings people together for a collective cause. We believe that monumental sculptures have the power to inspire creativity and can positively impact the health and well-being of those around them.

Engineering large-scale art sculptures is our mission, and we are fortunate to play a part in bringing life-transformative experiences to the world. We exist because of our community and its vision, so we feel the need to do our part to support them. We are honored to announce that we are launching the 2024 Rbhu Gives Back grants,offering $12,000 worth of free engineering services to artists in need.

What we’re looking for:

Any art piece that needs engineering services is eligible for this program. We want to get a good idea of your concept so that we understand how we can best help you. Please answer the questions as best as you can. If we need additional information, we will reach out and ask you.

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2024 Rbhu Gives Back

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