art promotion prize of the city of linz

Mar. 31, 2025

Since 1960, the City of Linz's Art Promotion Prize (formerly the Art Promotion Scholarship) has supported the development of the artistic or cultural work of emerging artists and cultural workers as well as designers in applied arts.

The following work samples will be considered within the categories:

Architecture and urban design: Projects already completed of exemplary, architecturally high-quality buildings and facilities, urban square and green space designs, street furniture and recreational area designs, as well as old town revitalisation and participatory and sustainable urban renewal measures. This category also assesses designs and plans on the aforementioned topics that have not yet been implemented.

Fine arts and interdisciplinary art forms: works of painting, graphic art, sculpture, textile, ceramic and experimental visual design, performative artistic intervention and installation, photography, film and all forms of transdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary and process-oriented artistic creation that were realized in a traditional exhibition context (gallery, cultural institution), in public and/or media space or are aimed at a qualified public.

Literature and cultural journalism: In the field of literature: publications in the fields of poetry, prose, drama, libretto, experimental poetry as well as radiophonic, performative, intermedial and web-based literary forms. In the field of cultural journalism: print media, radio, television and online-based art and culture reporting, cultural studies publications, feature articles, but also literary translations and broadcasts as well as the editing and editing of anthologies and periodicals from all artistic disciplines.

Design, New Media, and Communication: In the field of design, all individual and mass-produced products from the consumer and capital goods sectors, fashion, graphic, web, and interface design, and exemplary reference projects from the field of social media, as well as works from the residential, work, and leisure sectors, taking into account artistic, technical-scientific, and social design aspects. Unrealized designs and plans on these topics will also be assessed in this area. In the field of new media and communication: innovative artistic works in a digital context such as computer animation, social media and digital communication, interactive art, artificial intelligence and media performance.

Music and Performing Arts: In the field of music: compositions (including graphic scores), sound installations and productions in public and media spaces (on sound recordings and network-based distribution and communication platforms), all forms of freely improvised and experimental music as well as the qualified and artistically relevant exploration of traditional and popular musical styles.

In the field of performing arts: dance, performance, theater and musical theater productions as well as their artistic and participatory implementation and communication on stages or in institutional, public and media spaces.

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Art Promotion Prize of the City of Linz

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