snarky elephant’s creative incubator

Oct. 1, 2024
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Snarky Elephant’s Incubator is an annual cohort program that supports underrepresented creators by supporting their projects and careers. The Incubator is designed to work individually with creators, accommodating their unique careers, trajectory, interests, and vision, regardless of experience level. The program offers benefits such as networking with established industry professionals (including those with experience at Sundance, Lionsgate, and Pushkin), artistic and career guidance, and promotional support. This opportunity is perfect for creators who are interested in creating works that involve underrepresented perspectives, identities, and communities. Whether you’re a seasoned artist with a new vision, a mid-career creator ready to take your work to the next level, or a budding creative with a story to tell, they provide the resources and guidance to help you thrive!

Each year, in an effort to provide additional exposure for select SEP Creators, SEP will also produce a short video interview with each creator. These interviews, which are offered in addition to the above benefits, provide SEP followers an introduction to these artists’ work, and give the creators extra materials to use when approaching managers, agents and networks about future opportunities.

For more information on previous cohorts, please view our dedicated page to learn more about the amazing creators we partner with!

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Snarky Elephant’s Creative Incubator

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