true/false film fest artist residency

Sep. 1, 2024

This is a call for visual artists to apply for a five week virtual artist residency, resulting in solo installations which will transform unconventional film venues throughout the town of Columbia, MO, USA in a celebration of artists, films, music for the True/False Film Fest 2025.

The virtual residency will provide our visual artists a platform for cultural exchange, networking, and creative exploration, allowing artists to connect and collaborate regardless of geographical constraints, culminating in an in-person exhibition of their art installations during the 2025 T/F Film Fest.

Selected artists will meet online for a weekly two hour group session (Thursdays, 6-8PM CST) starting in November 2024. These sessions will focus on developing community and connection, adding to your knowledge about the current art world, and supporting the delivery of your art installation for True/False. Artists will also meet with our Art Curator, Production, Operations, and Tech Teams. We will have professional artists and curators join our weekly sessions to speak to you about the art world and art opportunities.

The residency ends with the exhibition/installation of proposed art installations at True/False on Feb. 27- March 2, 2025. Accepted artists are not required to attend True/False in person.

Expectation of our residents:

  • Attendance is required at each weekly virtual group meeting and one to two additional independent meetings with the Curation and Production Team (you must have access to a computer and ability to take part in weekly zoom meetings).
  • Active participation during group discussions and individual meetings.
  • Completion of Art Installation (ready for install and delivered) by February 21, 2025; installation will occur no later than Thursday, February 27, 2025 (install dates will depend on location) and deinstall will occur on March 3, 2025.

2025 THEME:

In 2025, the art & design theme for True/False is ALL THE TIME

We measure our lives in duration – seconds, minutes, hours – and whether we like it or not, the hands of the clock keep marching forwards. This year’s theme reflects our fascination with the framework of our existence – time. Time can feel circular, following motions and rhythms to remind us of the eternal recurrence – what has come before will come again. From ecological imprints to the inheritance of habits, we are constantly reminded that although we are in the present, the past is always with us. The Fest itself is a fleeting moment in the calendar and encourages us to embrace the ephemeral experience of coming together and make the most of every passing second.

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True/False Film Fest Artist Residency

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