future vision: nationwide public billboard exhibition

Aug. 5, 2024

SaveArtSpace is pleased to announce a partnership with The Untitled Space for an empowering public art series of billboards throughout the United States launching this October 2024, along with an exhibition of the artwork to be presented at The Untitled Space gallery this fall. Revolving around the theme of “FUTURE VISION” the public art series and exhibition is now open for artist submissions.

The "Future Vision" theme is a call to artists to use their creativity to paint a picture of what a hopeful and equitable future looks like. Turning billboards into canvases for activist art not only amplifies important messages but also democratizes art, making it accessible to a wider audience. Through their art, artists can inspire, educate, and mobilize viewers, helping to turn aspirational visions into tangible realities, harnessing their creativity for social change.

This is an opportunity to have your work placed on billboard ad space in New York City, Los Angeles, and more.

Each billboard will feature selected artwork along with artist name and the title of the artwork. The gallery exhibition will compliment the public art series with a presentation and celebration of the artwork. This open call is open to all artists, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, or practice. All mediums are welcome.

Opening October 11, 2024, SaveArtSpace will launch public art installations for each selected work on billboard ad spaces in cities around the US. The public art will be on view for at least one month.

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Future Vision: Nationwide Public Billboard Exhibition

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