The aim of this small charity is to provide financial support to individuals who wish to travel abroad or in the United Kingdom to attend a conference, to pursue a research project or undertake a short course of study in the field of movement or dance.
The diversity of the projects realised and the consequent communication between different sectors of the dance community world-wide is very much in tune with Lisa Ullmann’s own life and work. She was a distinguished teacher of movement and dance, whose unique work contributed to the dance education of countless students, dancers and teachers.
We also provide financial support to remove barriers and improve accessibility for applicants to the awards. This additional resource could support you to access: translation from other languages, transcription of audio and video files, or the support of a paid producer to support with writing an application.
If you are disabled LUTSF will fund:
All travel costs from your home to your destination and return
Where the need for an access support worker is evidenced, we will provide return travel costs for the support worker in addition to the applicant’s travel costs.