open call “immersive”

Oct. 25, 2024

As part of the UmanizzArte project conceived and coordinated by the Centro Antartide in collaboration with the AUSL of Bologna, the Municipality of Bologna, the Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna and with the contribution of the Carisbo Foundation.

The call, promoted by Paciu Maison, has the following purposes:

  • Promoting the talent of artists.
  • Improving the use of the hospital environment for patients and healthcare personnel.
  • Creation of a decorative project with subsequent cash prize.
  • Visibility on communication channels, and curatorial apparatus.

The current hospital reality is characterized by a typically aseptic environment: can greater artistic contamination bring a different reading of the space and its functions also in the treatment path? This is precisely the challenge of the call. The idea of ​​the project is to build a new vision, use and daily life of the long corridors that lead to the pre-operative room. In fact, it is a path that patients usually travel in a state of great tension, fear and sensations of dread related to the operation that awaits them, rather than in a state of drowsiness but also relief once they leave the operating room. For this reason, artistic activity contributes to thinking and designing a stimulating and calming environment.

Specifically, it will be necessary to work on the walls and the ceiling, or those areas of the corridor that the patient can best see with his gaze, traveling along this path only on a stretcher, therefore in a supine position (technical specifications downloadable in the second button "Template and space material" below). Following the selection and the announcement of the winner, the artist's work will be printed on film compliant with hospital regulations and set up in the space as per the artist's instructions specified in the template modified and sent by him. An important selection criterion will be the attention paid to the construction of an immersive environment rich in color forms, with a theme relevant to the structure.

At the moment the walls are painted light yellow; the access doors are white/gray; the window frames are dark green; and the two fireproof doors to the block are dark blue. The artist is free to use the existing colors by enriching the environment only with decorative elements or completely redesign the space taking into account the specifications indicated above. The additional specifications will be attached with the template.

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