Jan. 16, 2022

The strength of our program is mirrored in recent successes: 2019 Guggenheim Fellows, Janet L. Pritchard, landscape photographer and Professor of Art, and inaugural 1989 MFA alumna Deborah Zlotsky, painter and Associate Professor at Rhode Island School of Art; three-time Fulbright Scholar Kathryn Myers (2020/2011/2002), painter and Professor of Art; as well as five recent faculty Artist Fellowships from the Connecticut Office of the Arts; and recent MFA alumna Student Fulbright Scholars Elizabeth Ellenwood (2020) and Kaleigh Rusgrove (2018). Past UConn Guggenheim Fellows include Deborah Dancy (1997), Emerita Professor of Art, Matt Jensen (2016), MFA alumnus 2008, and Mary Kocol (1993), BA alumna 1984.

UConn’s MFA in Art supports art making across a broad range of studio media with an internationally recognized faculty, generous financial support, and new graduate studios, which opened in January 2018. The program is situated in a rural locale centrally located in Southern New England for easy day trips to New York, Boston, Providence, Hartford, and New Haven.

Why consider coming to UConn? Here are some of the reasons: -An intensive, multidisciplinary approach -Creative excitement and intellectual energy of an art school and a major research university combined -A nationally and internationally renowned faculty Fully funded program providing both tuition remission, stipend, and health insurance -One of the most successful and exciting creative and intellectual communities in the country -Visiting artists, field trips and exhibition opportunities -The success of our alumni -Access to all the arts -Large new studios and new and improved facilities

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