The Artist’s Book Grantis a six- to eight-week residency for artists to produce a limited edition book work. Working intensively in our studios, artists print and bind their own books, and are encouraged to create an edition size no larger than 100 and no smaller than 50.
Specifics of the sales contract will be finalized between the artist and Executive Director upon receipt of the award. The current standard contract stipulates that 20% of the edition goes to the artist, 20% of the edition (at least nine copies) stays with WSW for archival and sales to standing order and repository institutions, and 60% of the edition goes to general distribution and sale. The artist may ask WSW to sell any number of this 60% or the artist’s own 20%. If the artist chooses to sell books through WSW, then WSW will receive a 30% commission from the sale of each book, plus an additional 20% per sale for marketing costs. WSW holds the right to sell from the distribution copies at a 20% discount to standing order and repository institutions. The artist will receive a 50% commission from the sale of each book, which will be paid out once a year around June 30.