fundación ama amoedo grants

Jul. 30, 2024

For the second consecutive year, Fundación Ama Amoedo will award 10 grants to support the Latin American artistic field, with a predominant focus on South America. The grants aim to provide resources and opportunities to strengthen the art ecosystem and its institutions. They are offered in four categories: Artists, Art and Social Engagement, Organizations and Publications.

Artists: Fundación Ama Amoedo Artist Grants are intended for artists and/or artistic collectives whose practices are focused on the visual arts. Specific research or artistic creation projects that imply a significant contribution to the artists' careers will be accepted. A total of 4 grants of US$10,000 will be awarded with the objective of supporting artists at a key moment in their career.

Art and Social Engagement: Fundación Ama Amoedo Art and Social Engagement Grants are intended to support specific initiatives of groups, individuals or non profit organizations that, through the arts, contribute to generate a positive impact on society. Projects that use artistic practice to promote education, social inclusion and the enhancement of the community will be accepted. Two grants of US$10,000 will be awarded to support social and collaborative practices.

Organizations Fundación: Ama Amoedo Organizations Grants are intended to support specific projects of institutions or non-profit organizations aimed at promoting, preserving and spreading the work of Latin American artists. Initiatives will be accepted in a wide variety of formats that, through precise goals, contribute directly to the art ecosystem. Two grants of US$10,000 will be awarded to support related institutions in their respective missions.

Publications Fundación: Ama Amoedo Publications Grants are intended to contribute to art publications and/or publications by Latin American artists. Its objective is to promote artistic professionalization by supporting publications of significant relevance. Two grants of US$10,000 will be awarded to specific publishing projects, with a maximum completion period of two years from the date of receipt of the grant.

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Fundación Ama Amoedo Grants

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