rauschenberg dancer emergency grants

Jul. 30, 2024
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The Rauschenberg Dancer Emergency Grants have been updated, so please read these guidelines fully before deciding whether to apply.

Since 2022, the Rauschenberg Dancer Emergency Grants program has provided one-time grants to eligible dancers facing dire financial emergencies, due to the loss or lack of recent/current live performance work, because of circumstances outside of their control. Common circumstances include cancelled performances, cutbacks or cancellations of dance engagement contracts, loss of touring opportunities, illness or injury, and ongoing shutdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact.

“Dire financial emergencies“ include the lack or imminent endangerment of essentials such as housing, medicine/healthcare, utilities, and food. This grant program aims to provide dancers with greater stability to move forward by covering up to three months of essential expenses, recognizing the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dance sector, as well as other recent career interruptions including illness or injury.

You may request up to $3,000 for eligible essential expenses, for up to a three-month consecutive period, ranging from six months before the grant deadline through six months after the grant deadline. Expenses can be already paid by you, can be owed, or can be coming up in the near future.

NYFA reserves the right to determine eligible and reasonable expenses to support through this grant program.

Eligible expenses include:

  • Rental housing (deposits, rent)
  • Utilities
  • Food
  • Medical/dental/mental healthcare and insurance premiums
  • Transportation (car payments, insurance, ride shares/taxis, mass transit)
  • Other essential expenses that you can specify
  • Additionally, up to $1,000 of your request may be for expenses essential to maintaining your abilities as a dancer:
  • Class fees
  • Dance gear/shoes
  • Phyiscal therapy
  • Rehearsal/studio space rental for teaching or choreographing (including insurance/utilities)

Ineligible expenses include, but are not limited to:

  • Mortgage payments
  • Expenses related to other family members (i.e. food, healthcare, child/parent-care)
  • Non-essential expenses including credit card debt or student loans
  • Purchases of vehicles or other equipment

While housing and utilities expenses may be requested for your general household, other eligible expenses may only be requested for your own individual purposes. If you receive a grant, you will be required to certify your use of the funds for the expenses itemized in your application.

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Rauschenberg Dancer Emergency Grants

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