festival oodaaq n.12

Oct. 7, 2022
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L’Œil d’Oodaaq is a French non-profit organisation that researches on video art, moving images and other forms of images in contemporary art. L’Œil d’Oodaaq will be organising in 2023 its 12th Oodaaq Festival. It will be held in May in Rennes. It will be composed of: exhibitions, screenings, performances, lectures, moments of encounter. The festival questions the place of images in today’s society and the way artists reflect on this issue. L’Œil d’Oodaaq is interested in all states of existence of images: construction, circulation, reception, as well as its recent mutations in the digital age. The organisation refers to the term of « nomadic and poetic images » in order to emphasise the moving, multiple and reflective nature of the images it is interested in. For the 2023 edition, the festival will be mainly devoted to video art with a particular interest in works that question contemporary struggles (ecofeminism, feminism(s), social and ecological justice...). The videos, at the very heart of its programme, will be presented in screenings of programmes with several works, in exhibitions, autonomous installations, windows, and lounges. Every year, in order to enrich its research and reflections, the Festival also gives carte blanche to local and international partners. The selected videos can be showed in screenings, exhibitions, installations, etc. This open call relates of course to our festival, but also to all the events that we organize or in which we participate throughout the year. Indeed, apart from its annual festival, L’Oeil d’Oodaaq implements and / or takes part in more than twenty events each year. By applying for this open call, you are submitting your work for Oodaaq Festival and / or for events offered by the association throughout the year, in Brittany, nationally and internationally. Each broadcast is done in agreement with the artists, is framed by a contract and is the subject of a remuneration (calculated for 1 broadcast or on a lump sum basis).

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Festival Oodaaq N.12

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