Target Margin invites applications for our next group of Institute Fellows
What Is the TMT Institute?
The TMT Institute is a cohort of artists who seek to radically disrupt and re-examine their existing practice without any goal or expected result.
Each Fellow’s journey is individual. Fellows create their own course as they reinvent, question, and challenge their artistic practice. TMT supports fellows with space, material resources and a $2,000 stipend.
The Institute gathers for three short intensive sessions to help each Fellow advance this process. In between intensive meetings, we meet monthly for breakfast and go on occasional excursions to keep our conversation growing.
After the second intensive, each Fellow is encouraged to define and commit to an exploration that they can pursue outside of group gatherings. Target Margin supports these experiments with resources: space, collaborators, materials, etc. Fellows share their progress and evolution through the duration of the Institute. At the end of the season, TMT hosts an “Open Studio” to invite our community of artists and neighbors to share in what we have been exploring. This is not a performance; it can be a conversation, notes, a demonstration, or simply the Fellow’s presence to discuss their work with anyone interested.
Calendar Requirements
Fellows must be available in person for the following dates in Brooklyn NY:
As the year proceeds, Fellows schedule their own explorations or experiments which Target Margin will support.