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Artist · Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I went with the birds. They have wings and I need a new heart.
I went with the birds. They have wings and I need a new heart.Photography
Quoting Arseny Tarkovsky
Quoting Arseny Tarkovsky
I close my eyes  and I think of fire.
I close my eyes and I think of fire.Photography
I ache  to sink  with it
I ache to sink with itPhotography
… and I let the sense lock.
… and I let the sense lock.Photography
Transit Tripoli
Transit TripoliPhotography
I almost  always live  in places.   In  different comfortable corners  of my mind.   Where I keep  the amputated  limbs of my dream,  a little  softer than reality  will allow.  Where I turn,  swirl, fade, focus, and blur  again.  Where  I feel as if  I’m arriving  somewhere, learning, to unlearn. What?  I almost  always  live  in places  where I will never  truly  live at all  and I let that be enough.
I almost always live in places. In different comfortable corners of my mind. Where I keep the amputated limbs of my dream, a little softer than reality will allow. Where I turn, swirl, fade, focus, and blur again. Where I feel as if I’m arriving somewhere, learning, to unlearn. What? I almost always live in places where I will never truly live at all and I let that be enough.Photography
I am not here.
I am not here. photography
On speed and moments
On speed and moments
On reality and the mind
On reality and the mind
On flowers and time
On flowers and time
On faces, veins and paths
On faces, veins and paths
When it was bright at night
When it was bright at night
أغازل حافة الهاوية
أغازل حافة الهاوية
On bones, roots and dreams…
On bones, roots and dreams…
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